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Clean Our Air

MDB delivery allows for optimised journeys associated with deliveries and as a result will reduce widespread traffic volumes and the emissions they generate. MDB delivery achieves this by providing couriers with the means to undertake a variety of tasks whilst on a single journey, when compared to traditional delivery processes. Traditional delivery processes typically require a bespoke journey to be made for initiating the delivery of a single item, and couriers are limited to making deliveries (only) whilst on their journeys. The MDB delivery service allows couriers to make multiple deliveries and collections in a single coordinated route and maximises the use of every journey.


Our Packaging for Life initiative is focused on promoting the direct reuse of packaging used in deliveries, this will help to reduce the emissions associated with recycling processes of packaging -for more info please visit Packaging for Life Initiative.


Our courier governance system means we can also incentivise our couriers to adopt more efficient modes of transport/vehicle, thus actively promoting the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.

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